Getting Ready Together as a Couple
Raise your hand if you've been told it is "bad luck" for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony. You spend months planning a day together and are expected to have zero communication in the intimate moments leading up to the altar. For some couples, this may be romantic, and that's fantastic! However, for some people, that can be incredibly anxiety-inducing. For many couples, future spouses are our place of calm and comfort. They are one of the only people not bringing more chaos than calmness.
The Daydreamer Diaries | Katie Brown
I want to discuss the idea of getting together as a couple for your wedding. We're big believers in going against the grain to having a nontraditional wedding. We can offer several benefits as to why getting ready as a couple is the way to go.
First of all, getting ready together for your wedding day is so much more inclusive to LGBTQ+ couples and those who don't have huge support systems. The photo ops of brides helping each other with their dresses and seeing them possibly for the first time is so intimate. There is something special about thinking of grooms helping one another with their ties and cuff links. Even in straight-passing relationships, couples deserve that time to have fun and intimacy on their own terms. All couples deserve special moments for themselves. First looks are great, but they are often peered upon by everyone involved in the wedding party. They are rarely as intimate as they deserve to be. Getting ready together gives you all the time and intimacy to be together before the day's chaos.
The Daydreamer Diaries | Katie Brown
Think about the benefits of having intimate moments at the beginning of the day vs. the end. After your wedding, you are probably exhausted and making travel arrangements. Wear that special lingerie (or not!) and start the wedding day off with a bang (wink wink). It isn't any less special to start the day with intimacy rather than ending with it. If you have the energy, insert why not both GIF here!
Getting ready together helps shake off the wedding day jitters. You've spent months preparing for a day together, and it makes sense to have the morning to yourselves to mentally prepare for the events ahead. It might possibly be the only moments you have alone as a couple before the rest of the day is a complete party surrounded by others! I wish I had more time with my husband before our wedding. I felt so preoccupied with ensuring everyone else was happy with their getting ready experience that it didn't feel special for me.
We've talked a lot about keeping your peace when planning, which extends to your wedding day. If you want to be surrounded by your friends, sisters, mother, and every other powerful woman in your life while getting ready, please do that! There isn't a better option for how to get ready for your wedding day. What's important is not being afraid to break weird traditions just for tradition's sake. You deserve a day filled with love, peace, and intimacy. Your wedding day is yours, and you get to make every single rule about your day. Here it is if you need that kick to break traditions and do something outside the norm. I also want to mention that if you elope, getting ready together can add to what matters to you as a couple. Make sure to scroll through our posts about elopement if you're curious about what that looks like for you.
Until Next Time,