Dixie Dairy Dreem - Ice Cream Themed Maternity Photos

Pregnancy is not always soft served and sweet.

Sometimes pregnancy is glowing baby bliss and sometimes it is therapy visits, managing symptoms, and creating intentionally sweet moments for yourself when complications arise. Celebrating high-risk pregnancies requires a thoughtful and intentional approach that prioritizes the well-being of both mother and baby as well as the ability to hold space for their journey together. It’s easy to become consumed with worry and hyper focus on the risks that are present so we wanted to put an intentional and meaningful effort into celebrating the small moments in Rebecca’s pregnancy with her baby girl while holding space for the things they have and continue to overcome together.

At 19 weeks pregnant, after minor complications, Rebecca was informed that her pregnancy was one of the rare pregnancies with Vasa Previa complication.

What is Vasa Previa?

Vasa previa is a rare but potentially serious pregnancy complication that occurs when fetal blood vessels, specifically the umbilical cord or its branches, cross the cervix and lie in the path of the baby's exit from the uterus. This condition poses a significant risk to both the mother and the baby, as pressure on these unprotected blood vessels during labor or delivery can lead to rapid and life-threatening bleeding.

Vasa previa is often associated with certain risk factors, including a low-lying placenta (placenta previa) or a velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord, where the blood vessels branch out over the fetal membranes instead of attaching directly to the placenta. These anatomical variations can increase the likelihood of the fetal blood vessels being exposed to potential trauma during contractions or when the amniotic sac breaks.

Due to its potential seriousness, vasa previa is typically diagnosed during routine prenatal ultrasounds, particularly those that assess placental position and cord insertion. If vasa previa is suspected or detected, healthcare providers may recommend close monitoring, modified activity levels, and sometimes even hospitalization as the pregnancy progresses. In cases where vasa previa is confirmed, a scheduled cesarean section is often recommended to prevent any trauma to the exposed blood vessels during labor.

Preventive measures such as early and accurate prenatal care, regular ultrasound screenings, and awareness of risk factors can play a crucial role in identifying vasa previa and managing it effectively. As vasa previa is relatively rare but potentially life-threatening, maintaining open communication with healthcare providers is essential for ensuring a safe pregnancy and delivery for both mother and baby.”

So, we celebrate the small moments.

Pregnancy complications suck. The end.

Things may look differently than you initially planned. Plans may change and change again, you will adapt and overcome. Just don’t forget to celebrate yourself within the small moments and create intentional memories that you can hold onto and celebrate for yourself and all that you have done throughout your individual journey and pregnancy.

Dixie Diary Dreem is a locally owned and operated ice cream shop located in Moraine, OH.


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